October has once again snuck up as only the orange filled month can do. September zipped by. The beginning of school, summer heat giving way to cool breezes, and everyone returning to beloved Manhattan after summer journeys.
In September we got the opportunity to visit the newly opened Memorial at the site of the WTC. For lack of words to ever do it justice I can say it was simple and powerful. Having been ten years since my feet last walked on that ground it was disorienting to a degree. My only hope and wish is that the families of victims find some peace. We walked around the footprints of both Towers while taking in name after name of all the victims.

*Mr West is the uncle of dear friends.
Now that Fall is entering it is fun to look around seeing apples and pumpkins everywhere. The appearance of orange is always the first signal that the holiday marathon is about to start. Totally ready for it. Bring it!