Man eating shark, Mushroom from Mario Bros, Rapunzel and a Vampire overlooking One World Trade.
October flew by at record speed. The weather gods were good and it was blissful weather. I dread thinking what winter holds before us. Halloween is now in the history books. It was lovely and lively as ever. A game of chase in an ancient graveyard with Alexander Hamilton's ghost nearby kicked off the weekend. Saturday held the annual party at the World Financial Center. It is a weird sensation that there is finally a shadow from the building of One World Trade Center aka Freedom Tower. Often I wonder if the kids of the neighborhood will realize what a special construction site they look over on a daily basis?
Halloween evening took us trick or treating through some of our very favorite residential buildings with some of our most favorite neighbors. It is on nights like tonight when I take a moment and think two thoughts. #1 being, "How did I luck out and get to live this life in the most incredible city?" and #2 being, "I have the most interesting people in my life as friends...see #1!"
November is here and will offer some of seasonal favorites on the agenda of NYC. Radio City Christmas Spectacular, Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, several fun birthday parties and some very special visitors. It looks to be another month that will fly by with many memories made.
Next Sunday will be the 41st running of the NYC Marathon. I have two beautiful friends in Johannesburg, South Africa that will be running the race. NYC is a place that they know well as it was their home for several years. Traveling 8,000 miles for a marathon is an incredible feat in itself. Not only am I excited to see them on their journey to the race but I am extremely proud of them. They are not just running for themselves, they are running to raise money for a program that promotes education throughout all of Africa. Go Mutsa and Blessing! I am honored to call you dear friends.