The long weekend took us on a wonderful journey to Sullivan County in the Catskills. Being Catskills rookies we were completely impressed with the beauty and vibe. Our lovely friends housed, fed and entertained us at their beautiful home on the banks of the Delaware. All of this is a little more than two hours outside of our little island of Manhattan. We even had the pleasure of a perfect fireworks extravaganza provided by neighbor of our friends. The show was off the charts of spectacular. And for we highrise dwellers it was the grandest feeling being underneath the fireworks and feeling the boom! The Best!

A lovely weekend with amazing friends in the most peaceful of settings. We definitely plan a return trip.
And as only the wonder of New York can provide this was one of our first sights upon re-entering the city.

The character of the land is always shining through. Sometimes it is visions like this that make me love it even more.
We finished off our most incredible Independence Day by stepping outside to view the annual fireworks provided by Macy's. For the second year in a row the Hudson River was the launching ground. We were worn out after the walk home after such a full weekend, but it was the best kind of exhausted there is!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Independence Day!